The  Human  Rights  House  Zagreb  was  established  in  2008  by  six civil  society organizations    [Women’s    Human    Rights   Group    B.a.B.e. –    Be    Active,    Be Emancipated,  CMS –  Center  for  Peace  Studies,  Documenta –  Center  for  Dealing with the Past, GOLJP – Civic Committee for Human Rights, UPIM – Association for the  Promotion  of  Equal  Opportunities  for  People  with  Disabilities,  and  Svitanje –Association  for   Protection   and   Promotion   of   Mental   Health],   with   the   aim   of protection  and  promotion  of  human  rights  and  fundamental  freedoms.  During  more than  seven  years  of its  existence  and  work,  the  Human  Rights  House has  become the center of expertise on human rights, and publicly recognized as a central social organization  for  the  protection  and  promotion  of  human  rights  and  fundamental freedoms.

The goal of the Human Rights House is the realization of a free, open, pluralistic, democratic, equitable and inclusive society based on respect, protection and promotion of the highest standards and norms of human rights and freedoms.

For this purpose,  The  Human  Rights House  is  involved  in  the  protection,  promotion,  development  and  advancement  of human   rights   and   fundamental   freedoms   through  research,   monitoring,   public advocacy  and  education  in  accordance  with  the international  and  regional  instruments for the protection of human rights of the United Nations and the Council of Europe; particularly the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil   and   Political   Rights,   the   European   Convention   on   Human   Rights   and Fundamental Freedoms, and the European Social Charter (Revised).

Human Rights House is a member of Human Rights House Network based in Oslo, a member of the Platform 112, the Welcome Initiative and The GOOD Initiative.

Since 2012, Human Rights House acts as a Knowledge Center for social development in the field of protection and promotion of human rights.

Human Rights House Zagreb

Ivan Novosel, director of programs

Tina Đaković, organizational and program coordinator


Human Rights House Zagreb
Selska cesta 112 a/c
HR-10 000 Zagreb
tel/fax: +385 1 551 33 95

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IBAN: HR6924840081104956274


B.a.B.e su organizacija osnovana 1994. godine sa svrhom promicanja i zaštite ženskih ljudskih prava koja se danas usredotočila na promicanje rodne ravnopravnosti i osiguravanje jednakih mogućnosti za sve rodove u svim sferama društvenog života.

Center for peace studies

Centre for Peace Studies (CMS; CPS) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation promoting non-violence and social change through education, research and activism. CMS grew out of various forms of direct peace-building in western Slavonia (Volunteers’ Project Pakrac, 1993-1997).

It was founded in 1996 in Pakrac and formally registred in Zagreb the following year, with the intention of promoting the values of non-violence, social justice, respect for human rights, tolerance and acceptance of diversity through participatory methods of peace education program, research and public advocacy.

CROSOL – Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity

Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity is a non-governmental and non-profit organization of civil society, active in the area of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Goals of the Platform are: building and strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations (hereinafter: CSOs) for providing international development cooperation and humanitarian aid; if necessary, to act as the link between the ministry responsible for international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and the projects of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid provided by a CSO; to participate in and to have influence on the improvement, shaping, implementation and evaluation of national and EU policies, and policies of other international bodies (UN et al.), in the area of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid; to reflect on and improve the international development cooperation of NGOs inside and outside of the Republic of Croatia on values, principles, methods and action standards; to articulate and to affirm the activist initiatives and CSOs from the region of South Eastern Europe oriented towards the EU in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid; to promote education for development and international solidarity; to promote international development cooperation and solidarity.

Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past

In an attempt to encourage the process of dealing with the past and establishing factual truth about the war and to contribute to shifting of the discussion from the level of dispute over facts (the number of killed people, etc.) towards a dialogue on interpretations, the Centre for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights Osijek, Centre for Peace Studies, Civic Committee for Human Rights and Croatian Helsinki Committee decided to found Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past.

The key reason for this was the experience of suppression and falsification of war crimes and other war-related events from the period of 1941-2000, which has influenced the recent history of both Yugoslavia and post-Yugoslav societies.

Since its establishment, Documenta contributes to the development of individual and social process of dealing with the past, in order to build a sustainable peace in Croatia and the region by deepening the dialogue and initiating a public debate on public policies that encourage dealing with the past, data collection, publishing researches on war events, war crimes and violations of human rights, and monitoring war crimes trials at the local and regional level as a contribution to the improvement of court standards and practices in the war crimes trials.

Since 2006, Documenta is working on building and strengthening the regional coalition of civil society organizations from post-Yugoslav countries, advocating the establishment of the Regional Commission for establishing facts upon conflicts in the region (RECOM).

In order to achieve its goals, Documenta cooperates with its founding organizations, associations of families of the missing people, other civic initiatives, governmental institutions, international institutions and organizations, institutions of state and local government, academic institutions, religious groups, media and with the public concerned.

Civic Committee for Human Rights

CCHR is a non-governmental, non-profit, and non-partisan organization for the protection of human rights. Its activity is determined by the pre-set objectives, yet its concrete work was often influenced by the size and weight of human rights violations in a given time. The objectives of the organization are the protection and promotion of individual human rights, improvement of the standards of human rights and civil liberties in Croatia and the region, building of an open democratic society geared towards peace and cooperation, reducing political violence, ethnic hatred and xenophobia in Croatia and the region and the removal of the war as a possibility to solve conflicts among civilized countries.

The Association for Promotion of Equal Opportunities

APEO is an independent, volunteer-based, and non-partisan organization, which as an association for persons with disabilities provides information, educational and professional technical (operational) support for the assurance of the quality of life for persons with disabilities; it also organizes social and humanitarian activities and advocates the advancement and protection of interests of persons with disabilities, everything with the goal of attaining equal opportunities. To ensure creativity and independence of activities, the great importance is given to joint work with other organizations from civil sector and the public influence in generating systematic solutions for the attainment of human rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Croatia.

The Association for Promotion of Mental Health “Svitanje”

The association was founded in 2004. The objectives of the association are the promotion and protection of mental health in the community for persons with mental disorders, encouraging the development of community programs that promote social inclusion and protection of human rights.

The purpose of the association is to promote various programs for the rehabilitation of persons with mental illnesses in the community in order to increase the autonomy and protection of human rights. Through the development of alternative forms of care in order to prevent institutionalization, the association strives to enable an independent living if possible for people affected by mental illnesses, or a dignified life at least, providing them with as much support as possible.

MMH – The Croatian Youth Network

MMH is an alliance of youth associations that empowers young people for active and responsible participation in society, contributes to the development of high quality youth policies and the overall development of the civil society. In its work, it represents member organizations and tends to act in the common interest of all young people through networking, advocacy, informing, informal education and research, advocating the cooperation with public authorities, the educational and research institutions, civil society actors and media.

Organizational Structure of Human Rights House Zagreb

Assembly of the HRH is the highest decision making body of the Human Rights House, consisting of two delegates appointed by each member organization of the Human Rights House.

Program Council is the governing body responsible for the enforcement of decisions made by the Assembly. It oversees the work of the Program Director and the Office of the Human Rights House.

Program Director is an executive and administrative body of the Human Rights House, elected and appointed by the Program Council.

Human Rights House Office is divided into two parts: The Administration and Finances and Programs.

Program Council
Program Director
Human Rights House Office
Administration & Finances Programs