Non-formal education provided by civil society organizations (CSOs) is important link in increasing the civic competencies, prevention of discriminatory and risk behavior as well as in improving of life quality and development of local communities.
In CSO register we have 4207 associations active in the education field, and according to 2011 research results done by National Foundation for Civil Society Development – the most common type of CSOs activities was education, 75% of CSOs stated they provide some of the different forms of non-formal education. On the other hand, CSOs work and contribution is still not enough recognized and valued. Public sector often does not accept CSOs as equal partners in solving the community problems as well as in work related to prevention through non-formal education although this is often pointed out in local and national strategies as important. Due to CSOs work circumstances the non-formal education activities they provide are mostly done sporadically or limited to project duration. So although there is invested effort, time and money in development of quality programs, they often stop with project ending. Because of all mentioned – achieving of long-lasting effects and changes in society are lacking.
With SKOCKANO project we want to increase the CSOs influence in the field of non-formal education through: establishing of sustainable quality assurance system for non-formal education; building the capacities of CSOs for implementing non-formal education and application of quality system; strengthening of sectoral and inter-sectoral cooperation as well as increase of sector visibility. Mentioned activities are aiming at raising the quality of CSOs work in area of non-formal education and also to improve the frame and the environment for work of CSOs that provide non-formal education. Strengthening of CSOs capacities for quality implementing of non-formal education will assure the support in education for citizenship and human rights, as well as support for CSOs work (and its spreading) with citizens and local communities, increased reach of the sector in inclusion and informing of citizens and public sector. Through promotion and firming the inter-sectoral cooperation as well as synergy work within the sector, we want also to influence and increase the recognition of non-formal education provided by CSOs as well as influence the effectiveness of funding and valuing the CSOs in order to assure the sector sustainability.
Project title: “SKOCKANO – quality standard of civil society organisations constructively engaged in non-formal education“
Project leader: Centre for Peace Studies
- Forum for Freedom in Education (FFE)
- Human Rights House Zagreb (HRH)
- Centre for Civile Initiatives Poreč (CCI)
- GOOD Initiative for systematic and quality introduction of human rights and democratic citizenship education into the formal education system (GOOD Initiative)
- Phronesis SA
Project implementation period: April 1st 2021 – March 31st 2024
Project total value: 199.000,00 €
Contact person for more information: Lovorka Bačić,
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