The network of lawyers is an informal network of lawyers who work or cooperate with civil society organizations created with the aim of connecting and encouraging cooperation, exchanging knowledge and experience, and working together to protect and promote human rights in Croatia and Europe. As part of the Network, lecture cycles are organized by relevant legal experts, officials and scientists whose knowledge and experience are important for the work of protecting and promoting human rights and of importance for the work of civil society organizations.

The network of lawyers was founded for the purpose of promoting professional discourse and better knowledge of legal constructions related to the protection of human rights. The network of lawyers, for the purpose of strengthening the legal capacity within the civil sector, gathers experts – lawyers whose field of work relates specifically to the issue of the protection of human rights, their promotion and improvement, and in accordance with national, regional and international instruments for the protection of human rights

The goal of the Network of Lawyers is to connect and exchange experiences and knowledge in order to strengthen the capacity of lawyers working in the civil sector to protect and promote human rights. The network of lawyers regularly conducts various trainings for lawyers in the field of human rights protection, such as trainings on the implementation of ESLJP judgments, the use of international standards and practices of international bodies for the protection of human rights in legal practice, etc.