The Round Table “Together for the Community” in Petrinja

The Round Table


How to improve joint and solidary actions for the community development?

February 27, 2017, starting at 14:30 h, Hrvatski dom, Matije Gupca 2, Petrinja


The round table will be an opportunity to discuss the potential and possibilities for solidary actions in the community in the area of social development. Between the World Day of Social Justice (February 20) and the International Zero Discrimination Day (March 1) we want to bring together young people, academics, civil society, local government, schools, libraries and other community institutions in order to discuss the possibilities and the importance of mutual cooperation for the benefit of all the community members, and the more successful resolution of the social problems we face. The forum will also be an opportunity to express to each other mutual expectations and to open new areas of inter-sectoral cooperation. The participants will have an opportunity to learn more about the results of the IPA GOO project, as well as on the cooperation between the project partners and the local initiatives.

In addition to representatives of local self-government, the introductory speakers will be: Berto Šalaj from the Faculty of Political Science (University of Zagreb) and Aleksandra Milković from the Association of Persons with Disabilities of Sisačko-Moslavačka County and the representative of the Platform 53 – Together We Grow Stronger. The discussion will be moderated by Martina Horvat (GONG).

We look forward to your arrival and participation in the forum!